‘Vaccinated, but invisible proof’


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I’m double-vaccinated but can’t show the proof

As COVID-19 vaccination rates continue to rise, many establishments are requiring proof of vaccination for entry. While I have received both doses of the vaccine, I am unable to show the physical or digital proof.

Despite my efforts to obtain the necessary documentation, I have encountered numerous obstacles. Whether it be technical issues with accessing my vaccination record or delays in receiving a physical vaccination card, I find myself in a frustrating situation.

Not being able to provide proof of vaccination has led to challenges in accessing certain venues and events. It is disheartening to be potentially excluded from activities that were once considered routine.

As discussions around vaccine passports and proof of vaccination heat up, I hope that solutions can be found for individuals like myself who are vaccinated but face barriers in proving it. In the meantime, I continue to follow safety guidelines and advocate for equitable access to vaccination documentation.

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